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bank interest rate中文是什么意思

用"bank interest rate"造句"bank interest rate"怎么读"bank interest rate" in a sentence


  • 银行利率


  • Lower bank interest rates for savings deposits and loans
  • Impact of the housing mortgage - backed securitization on the risk of the bank interest rate
  • On the precautions against the risk of our commercial bank interest rate under the financial marketing environment
  • The adjustment that books yield and central bank interest rate adjust photograph comparing , appear more logy
  • At present , deposits in local banks exceed 3 , 600 billion . the returns on these deposits are very low because of the current low bank interest rates
    36 , 000亿元,但由于目前银行存款利率很低,因此所得回报极微。
  • This article mainly analyzes the control strategy to the property debt outside the table , and aims to provide some suggestions for controlling risk of commercial bank interest rate effectively
  • The returns on these deposits are very low because of the current low bank interest rates . quality bonds are an investment option that can provide a steady and higher return
    36 , 000亿元,但由于目前银行存款利率很低,因此所得回报极微。优质债券提供一个有稳定及较高利息收入的投资选择。
  • This may make them reluctant to take the really tough measures necessary to ensure more rational growth : lifting controls on energy prices , for example , and removing restrictions on bank interest rates
  • The hong kong and us dollars have been linked since 1983 through a currency board system under which inter - bank interest rates rise automatically when there is selling pressure on the hong kong dollar
  • Abstract : this article gives brief introduction about the led display screen for bank interest rate composed of single - chip microcomputer and deals with in detail the designing principle for hardware and software of this display screen
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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